How to install sqli-labs on Windows 10

As a platform to help people learn SQL injection attack , sqli-labs provides challenges of 4 levels: basic challenges,advanced injections ,stacked injections and challenges ,which can be installed on the basis of XAMPP ,here is how:

  1. Although I had installed XAMPP on my computer, the version of it is not supported due to a PHP function used in sqli-labs ,so i had to reinstall a XAMPP whose php version is 5.6.33.
  2. Download the compressed file from github:
  3. Unzip the file in htdocs folder
  4. Visit localhost/sqli-labs-master using browser( remember to stop the proxy settings of Windows)
  5. Click Setup/reset database for labs ,if there’s no error shown on the page ,sqli-labs is successfully installed.
  6. Enjoy!